If you don’t have a high budget to invest in digital marketing, know that you can improve your Google positioning in organic searches to increase the number of visits to your website.
This is possible through a strategy called SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
SEO is a strategy that uses several actions to improve the quality of your website.
It’s common for some people to get desperate following Google’s guidelines to know what exactly to do to better position themselves.
However, there is no reason for the crisis, Google has already announced that its main objective is to improve the user experience.
So focus on that and your chances of success are higher.
Check out these tips that we have prepared for you who want to improve your positioning on Google and, with that, get more visitors through organic searches:
1. Write Smart and Original Content
Develop good content on your site, both on product or service pages and on a blog or in an article or news section.
But beware: it is important that the content is unpublished, as Google penalizes sites with duplicate content.
In addition, a site with good content gains authority on the subject and is valued by its audience.
Write about topics that relate to your business and can be used to convince your visitors that you have what they need.
It is common for people to worry about ranking only the Home of the site on Google, however, it is a mistaken thought.
Your website has to be in Google search, but a services page or an article that talks about what the user really needs can be more useful and increase the chances of conversion.
2. Use Specific Keywords for Each Page
It is also common for beginners to make the mistake of defining keywords for their business and applying them to all pages of the site.
With this, you will end up generating internal competition between one page and another.
Have different keywords for the pages, according to the content present in each one.
Imagine your site has ten pages with different or similar keywords.
When someone performs a search, you have ten chances to appear in the results, regardless of how the user searched.
Now, if you set just one keyword for these ten pages, they will only appear when the user searches for exactly that one.
3. Sign Up for Google Webmasters Tools
Google itself offers some tools to help you do smart and effective SEO.
Google Webmaster Tools is one of them.
It offers important functionalities to improve the configuration and performance of your website.
In addition, it allows for important markings and tags for Google robots to read.
4. Include the Google Analytics Code on Your Website
There’s no point in taking different actions to improve your positioning on Google if you don’t monitor performance afterward.
Sign up for Google Analytics and insert the tool’s tracking code on your website.
Afterward, you just have to monitor the development of visits, such as where the traffic comes from, which pages they browse, the time spent on the site, and much more.
5. Put Titles and Headings on Pages
In order for Google to be able to know exactly what the content of your page is and how much it can be relevant to the user, you need to make some important marks.
One of them is the title of the images, using the keyword of the page as the title.
Headings (h1, h2, h3…) are tags that tell Google what is most important.
Use h1 in the title, h2 in the intertitles, h3 in bold words, for example, and other markings where necessary.
Did you see how improving your positioning on google is not that complicated?
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