Inbound Marketing: 4 Stages You Must Know to Reach New Customers

Surely you have already heard about Inbound Marketing and the benefits that this strategy can bring to your business. 

In this post, you will learn more about the stages that make up the strategy and some actions that will help you attract new customers.

About Inbound Marketing

The world is changing rapidly and with it, the behavior of consumers. 

Today, they are the ones in control of the information and content they want to see. 

According to this reality, we need to have direct communication with our customers, get to know them, and attract them to our business. 

But how to get the attention of our target audience without being invasive? 

Inbound Marketing has the answer.

Also known as Attraction Marketing, Inbound Marketing can be defined as a set of strategies focused on the needs and desires of the client. 

Here it is the customer who is looking for the company and not the other way around.

Inbound Marketing Stages

We must be clear that to reach more customers, our objective must be to win them over and make them fall in love with our brand.

We must lead them through a process, from attraction to purchase. 

The Inbound Marketing methodology is composed of 5 stages, these are Attract, Convert, Relate, Sell, and Analyze

Following through all the stages of inbound marketing, you will be able to attract potential customers.

Convert them into leads; interact with them, close a sale, and analyze the process to improve it more and more.

Within each stage of the Inbound Marketing process, we will find some important actions that will help us achieve our main objective: Grow our business.

Stage 1: Attract

As its name indicates, the first stage of Inbound Marketing is to attract people who are interested in the product or service.

But how can we get consumers to search for my company or service? 

Within this stage there are some actions that will help you attract the right people:

Content Production

The essence of Inbound Marketing is content. 

It is only through the creation and exchange of information that you will reach your customers; you will meet them, and discover their desires and needs. 

You are going to provide solutions to their problems and that will make you an expert, a reliable source. 

You will attract the right people at the right time in an almost natural way.

The content of your strategy must be aligned with two important aspects that are the basis of Content Marketing:

Definition of Your Buyer Persona:

You must create a fictional character from real information about your ideal client. 

Where in addition to taking into account data such as age, work, habits, and beliefs, you must also know their problems to find a way to help them.

Purchasing Process:

To guarantee an effective content campaign, you must classify the level of your leads within the purchase process: Knowledge, consideration, and decision. 

You must know in which phase they are in order to be able to attend to their needs in the best possible way.


This is where your potential customers will find you. 

For that it is important that you pay attention to the type of content you publish; remember that it is not about publishing information randomly. 

The blog must have an editorial line and a publication calendar. 

Don’t forget to think about the design and the most technical details to ensure your audience an optimal experience and keep them coming back.


Optimize the organic search mechanism with your Key Word so that more and more people can find you in the top positions of Google. 

This action is essential so that your content can reach whoever is looking for it. 

In the end, it is useless to have excellent quality content if nobody reads it. 

We present here 5 SEO tips for your blog.

Sponsored Links

On some occasions, sponsored links may appear as an optimal strategy to attract.

Thanks to its ability to segment a specific audience; it is a way to attract visitors to consume your content and your offers.

Social Networks

Social networks are an excellent channel that not only helps to attract visitors to your website.

But also to keep it loyal through the dissemination of content.

Step 2: Convert

Once you’ve managed to engage your audience, you can start thinking about the conversion stage, where, in exchange for valuable and relevant content, visitors give you their information and become leads. 

Some actions for this stage are:


It is not easy for anyone to resist offers, especially when they offer something that really interests us. 

Content works like a currency in exchange for consumer information. 

Demos, free tests, and webinars are just some of the offers that you can use to convert your visitors into leads.

Landing Pages

It is through the Landing Pages that people will leave their data with your company. 

This tool is the channel for exchanging information. 

It will be here where you will be able to know their name, email, telephone number, profession, and all the information you need from your audience.

Stage 3: Match

The third stage of Inbound Marketing is where we can identify which are our qualified leads. 

We can also know if they are ready or not to continue in the purchase process. 

We present 3 actions to interact with your customers:

Email Marketing

After obtaining the information from your lead, worry about delivering relevant and quality content. 

The main characteristic of Email Marketing is that the information is direct. 

That’s why personalizing and organizing it is a great way to avoid falling into spam.

Marketing Automation

Applying this action within your strategy will help you reduce the time of the processes and make them more effective

With marketing automation, you can perform different actions such as lead segmentation and distribution of leads to the sales team.

Lead Nurturing

One of the great advantages of Inbound Marketing is that you can communicate with your leads in an almost personal way. 

Understanding your problems and providing solutions for each stage of the purchase process. 

Lead nurturing is an action that, in an educational way, prepares your leads and brings them closer to the purchase stage.


After having attracted and led your leads through the entire purchase cycle until reaching the sales stage; the main objective should be to convert them into your customers. 

This is the time to take advantage of the information you have about your leads to pick up the phone.

Get in touch with them and make the sale or send an unmissable offer so that they buy from your online store.

Stage 4: Analyze

The fourth and final stage has as its main objective the analysis of the entire Inbound Marketing process. 

With the objective of knowing the results of your strategies and knowing if they are really bringing good results for your business. 

There are some tools that you can use to measure the results of your campaigns such as Web Analytics and RD Station.

Inbound Marketing is a strategy that is changing the lives of companies.

Because they are managing to accompany and understand the needs of their customers. 

In addition to having a lower cost than traditional strategies. 

With this tool, you can measure your results, and identify your great strengths, and the points where you should improve.

Thanks for Reading.

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