The results that intelligent tools provide companies are largely responsible for the spread of the use of artificial intelligence in marketing.
Previously seen with some fear and even as a threat, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the goose that lays the golden eggs for all business segments – especially those responsible for creating customer-focused strategies, as is the case in the communication areas.
Recent studies indicate that more than half of marketing professionals already adopt some type of artificial intelligence and management 4.0 in their actions.
Consequently, all related techniques – machine learning, internet of things (IoT), deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP) – tend to be increasingly present in these people’s routines.
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: Examples and Benefits
Here is a list of the most popular artificial intelligence applications in marketing today.
Shall we see what they are?
1. Smart Searches
Online surveys are more assertive, there is no doubt.
This improved capability enables smarter searches not only for general topics on portals like Google but also for products and services on e-commerce sites, for example.
Virtually all search engines, whether independent or related to a specific site, offer suggestions for related terms.
Even if the visitor types a wrong word, the result he expects is presented in seconds.
An intelligent research system contributes to greater conversion into sales and customer loyalty.
The change affects the way professionals in the field prepare and optimize their content.
Therefore, when talking about SEO, it is essential to consider algorithms that work by voice command, in addition to traditional texts.
Adex, for example, states that, because voice searches are done in a similar way to the user’s verbal expression, marketing teams need to adapt the contents to this proximity.
In this sense, long-tail keywords will be replaced by conversational words, based on people’s speech.
A brand that really knows how to take advantage of this opportunity will considerably increase its organic traffic.”
2. Recommendations and Suggestions
When e-commerce has a very large inventory, there is nothing better than having skillful recommendation mechanisms.
This is one of the most interesting possibilities that digital transformation in marketing offers.
It involves the classic cases of on-demand services, such as Spotify, Netflix, and Amazon, which seem to know us better than we know ourselves.
An article published in Tech Emergence states that to be made efficiently, these suggestions do not just consider a preference form filled out by the customer.
On the contrary, they follow a much more in-depth and detailed bias.
Netflix algorithms, for example, are not based only on the movies and series that a person has watched or favored.
According to the publication, “they also analyze which films are seen multiple times, the scenes turned or advanced, among other aspects.
Such behaviors, when correlated and evaluated considering millions of users, help to decide on the best recommendations.”
For marketing teams, the discovery represents a wide range of new possibilities for action.
3. Announcements and Offers
Artificial intelligence in marketing has also come to work with programmatic ads.
In other words, automated buying and selling processes.
Mentionlytics reveals that “advertisers and publishers connect to an inventory where they exchange ads for a fee, and AI technologies use algorithms to analyze consumer behavior.
In this way, the collected data is used to optimize campaigns in real-time.”
In other words, they focus their efforts on those groups of people who really have a greater chance of converting.
The site also mentions the case of The Economist which, using data provided through the use of the magazine’s portal and application, identified reading preferences to improve communication with 650,000 non-engaged prospects.
In just nine days, 50% of people were impacted.
In the UK, the consideration rate increased by 32%, while the chances of being recommended among users rose by 24%.
4. User Experience
With all actions aimed at the consumer, talking about user experience is already almost cliche.
Artificial intelligence techniques in marketing contribute a lot to increasing the quality and efficiency of this approximation between company and customer.
By using concrete and increasingly specific data, algorithms are able to offer people unique moments, that is, truly competitive differentials in the market.
Adext’s blog, mentioned earlier, reveals that 33% of marketers currently apply AI to personalize online experiences and that 63% of them have seen increases in conversion rates and people’s engagement with it.
Chatbots are true success stories, examples of the application of a technology that has worked very well for most companies globally.
Automated processes facilitate interaction with the user, who obtains quick answers and solutions, at the moment he deems most pertinent.
Robots are available every day, no matter the time of day.
Always ready, they don’t lose patience, they are friendly all the time, and give much more autonomy to the customer who, guided by the bots, feels able to resolve doubts, make more accurate choices, and find solutions for more basic difficulties.
5. Relevant Content
This more assertive communication also happens in textual and visual content, which today can be thought out specifically, based on different customer profiles.
Artificial intelligence in marketing separates niches, delivering relevant content to each audience.
In other words, customers are only impacted by what is interesting to them.
When we apply machine learning to this “curatorship”, we are able to determine the most appropriate times and days of the week to send a marketing email to a group of people, for example.
Above, I’ve only listed the most common applications of artificial intelligence in marketing, but you might have guessed that’s not all.
The new forms of consumption represent an ocean to be explored, and there are many opportunities to work in the segment to customize the customer experience.
Finally, here are three important tips for marketing and AI to get the most out of this union:
– pay attention to opportunities: notice where artificial intelligence can be applied to improve your company’s marketing strategies, from content curation to customization possibilities.
– make sure there is enough data: don’t just capture information, use it to your advantage and intelligently. Therefore, trust true algorithms, are really capable of delivering the necessary insights to add value to the brand.
– beware of very aggressive customizations: when the customer perceives that you know too much about his life, a feeling of invasion of privacy is created.
Well, as you noticed when reading this text, artificial intelligence in marketing is already a reality.
And more importantly: a trend that is impossible to ignore.
Thanks for Reading.